I have too many people(family friends & others) who have used CS(Colloidal 
Silver/mettalic particulate silver) And have had super results! Now IMHO I use 
CS internally and only use IS(Ionic Silver/silver with an electron missing 
giving it a positive charge).  I mix Aloe with IS and have a great gel tro use 
on burns and bites as aloe is super good in its own right and when mixed with 
silver does a super job on burns, scrapes. I keep a jar in my first aid kits 
and a big jar at the house as I always am fixing the neighborhood kids bikes, 
scotters, skateboards and whatever else they have on wheels. When they have a 
scrape or cut they sow up at my door. Now I have always checked out with their 
parents(amazing the number of single parents male/female that are in the apts!) 
if it is ok even just to give a bandaid, as there is always one nasty parent in 
the bunch! So far haven't run into them in the last 3 years. The kids all know 
how fast the aloe/IS works. so
 I am the local computer repair/auto/emergency medic/bicycle repair guy in the 
apartments. That's ok, as since I help the kids as old as 21 who had a car 
problem, they keep an eye out on my place and if anybody screws with it I am 
told and usually a parent will take care of it while I am gone. I like this 
security!!  I help the kids/parents and I get help in return!, al works out 
good for everyone(but the crook!) Ther are so many people out there trying to 
sell their CS as the best, smallest or whatever!-- the truth is with a current 
controlled CS generator you can build yourself, you can make a bunch of silver 
to use very cheaply as you could take a bath if you had to!! I ell everyone to 
build their own basic unit(4 - 9 volt batteries, CLD(Current Limiting Diode) 
around 5mA, glass jar or beaker, silver wire/coin(99.99% silver), nice extras 
are current meter, voltmeter, magnetic stirrer/heater, So for under 
$100.00(cheaper if you have a 99.99% silver
 coin) you can build a CS generator that will make gallons of CS for pennies 
per gallon! A whole lot cheaper than what I see systems being sold for!  

 From: Neville Munn <one.red...@hotmail.com>
To: "silver-list@eskimo.com" <silver-list@eskimo.com> 
Sent: Sunday, April 28, 2013 11:56 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Silver Sol

Don't know what it is, and don't care.  Without even looking at it I know it's 
just more of the same old same old {marketers sales pitch and techno babble in 
an attempt to part the punter from his/her money} take it with a grain of salt.

Let's face it, squillions of EIS producers and users all over this planet can't 
be wrong can they, and they certainly can't be proved to be wrong, quite the 
reverse I'd say.


> Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2013 08:54:49 -0400
> From: cyndi...@gmail.com
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: CS>Silver Sol
> There is a Yahoo group called germkiller which usually sticks to 
> electronic currents to heal but the owner of the group just posted that 
> cs is no good, that it doesn't do anything taken internally and that we 
> should all be using Silver Sol instead. What is it, does anyone know?
> She gave a link
> http://www.rxsilver.com/html/silver_sol_versus_colloidal_si.html
> When I posted that I've had successes with cs she refused to post that. 
> I'm kinda pissed that she would post what she did and not let anyone 
> refute her.
> Cyndi
> --
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