Most of us will want your info as to add to our store of knowledge. All your 
info can gelp us determine doseages and effects. Every little bit of info adds 
to the whole and with enough info we will be able to produce a chart of 
doseages/body weight/ppm of silver. Some people just don't want us to have the 
info to help others as it could/would/ reduce the money going into their 
pockets."They" will do almost anything, including disinformation, mudding of 
the "waters" and outright distortion of what kind of silver/make up/production 
of/what it actually is.

 From: Joe Huard <>
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2013 11:21 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Silver Sol>

Yes, he is very tight about keeping his list on topic; that is, only talk about 
the godzilla apparatus. For the record, that has to be the cheapest way to get 
rid of germs, but it has limitations. He seems very excited to learn about 
 I'm suggesting that we test it in this group, not his group. After this group 
comes to a decision, then we can share that with bG.
You know how much cs it takes to reduce your viral load to a certain
    number. If you took smaller amounts of Silver Sol as they suggest
    and got better results, that is info that anyone will want to know,
    even bG. If you and others find that SS is just CS with marketing
    hype, like Kephra claims on the, we all want to know that, too.

Joe H.   
On 29/04/2013 10:27 AM, Cyndi wrote:

On 4/29/2013 9:41 AM, Joe Huard wrote:
>Way to go, Sandy. You covered all of the points that I was thinking of making, 
>as I am on that germkiller group also. The list owner is Bob Luhrs who signs 
>as baby_grand or bG.
>>This might be already suggested, but why not "test" the
        difference between these 2 possible forms of nano silver before
        coming to the conclusion that Silver Sol is just marketing hype?
        To do that we need a person with an open mind who has already
        experienced CS/EIS and knows how it acts with them. Then,
        compare how Silver Sol acts. 
>>I plan to buy some SS to test internally, but I have little
        experience with CS to compare it to.
>>Joe H.
>Why not allow posts defending cs's ability to kill internally on
      the germkiller group? I have direct and personal experience with
      it. The only reason I can think of is that it disproves bg's
      assumption that it doesn't work internally. Why would someone with
      an open mind not want to hear real life proof that cs can reduce a
      viral load and share it with the group? 
>I am totally open minded, want to know what Silver Sol is and what
      it may do for me, but when it's attached to statements that are
      flat out lies how can I trust what that person says? When I refute
      those lies with personal, factual evidence and it's hidden from
      the group how can I give that person my trust? I have viral load
      tests that show in black and white what happened when I took cs.
      It's totally relevant to the original post and other posts related
      to SS were put through.
>What happened was dishonest and definitely slanted towards this
      other product. The list owner isn't encouraging testing them
      against each other at all. He's pushing one while sitting on
      information about the other.