I've always refused any fluoride. Last year I went to a new dentist - was bundled in to a particular woman at my appointment, as the man I was booked in to see had bought his own practice in Sydney and left town. I was given a check-up and clean. She mumbled something I didn't catch, and plunged my teeth into a strange device and left it there for a while.

When she took it off I said quite cheerfully: "I've never had that before. What is it?"

"Fluoride," she said. "There's no fluoride in the water supplies in the South West." I never said a dicky bird, just took out my tissue and started spitting, spitting, spitting.

I didn't even bother to tell her that in our town, like it or not (it's not), there is enough fluoride to please anybody who thinks it should be there.

I knew I'd never be sitting in HER chair again.

Anyhow, recently I had another check up, made sure it was with the man my husband sees, and made sure he didn't give me fluoride. He only laughed. The woman would have given me a lecture. I don't trust professionals who are pro-fluoride. I think they are either spouting the party line for my benefit, or don't know which way is up.


On 21/08/2013 1:50 AM, brick...@aol.com wrote:
My dentist brushes on fluoride after each cleaning, twice per year.