I may have to do this over two posts to try and give concise summary, given I 
don't document things all that well.
Day 1 - Normal daily maintenance dose of 30ml EIS in morning before 
breakfast.Onset of *something?* Thursday, August 15.
Day 2 Friday - 30ml EIS in morning, rash developing on left side of stomach 
working around to centre, shivering and 'heady' on going to bed.
Day 3 Saturday - 30ml EIS, rash now appearing directly on spine, and at two 
small sites on left side of spine, and a larger one a bit further around from 
spine on left side.
Day 4 Sunday - 30ml EIS, rash becoming more pronounced and soreness setting in, 
small blisters starting to appear, I diagnosed Shingles, sprayed EIS over all 
Day 5 Monday - 30ml EIS, pain increasing at sites, sprayed EIS on all areas and 
150ml EIS in afternoon, booked doctors appointment.
Day 6 Tuesday - 30ml EIS, Doctor confirmed Shingles {severe case, but I 
question severity?}, rash slightly diminishing as blisters becoming far more 
pronounced, pain increasing, two Nurofen Plus for pain.
Day 7 Wednesday - 150ml EIS in morning, rash still diminishing and blisters 
becoming much more prominent, especially on stomach which is largest area and 
blisters breaking forming scabs {looks bloody ugly}, extremely painful all 
areas, 2 Nurofen Plus morning and two at night, another 150ml EIS at night.
Day 8 Thursday - 150ml EIS in morning and sprayed on all areas including 
clothing, pain level unchanged {painful}, some blisters still forming on 
smaller areas on back, pain worse at night, 2 Nurofen Plus morning and night, 
been painful all day, 250ml EIS at night, sprayed on all areas again.
Day 9 Friday - 250ml EIS in morning and sprayed on all areas, minimal pain 
first thing in morning but worsens during day, developing a rather nasty cough, 
2 Nurofen Plus morning and night, 250ml EIS at night.
Day 10 Saturday - 150ml EIS in morning, cough is raging but now a fluid cough 
{I'm beginning to wonder about pneumonia but know nothing about pneumonia}  
areas not so painful today, 250ml EIS at night, 2 Nurofen Plus morning and 
Day 11 Sunday - 250ml EIS in morning, feeling considerably better, pain reduced 
markedly, miraculously cough is practically non existent as to compared to 
yesterday, feeling EXTREMELY tired and exhausted, 2 Nurofen Plus at night only 
{just in case}.
Day 12 Monday (at time of writing this) - Amazingly feeling pretty damn good, 
pain subsided now to a point it's not worth mentioning.  It appears recovery is 
without doubt well and truly under way, cough returned this morning but nowhere 
near as bad. I believe it's because we had visitors last night and talking 
promoted the return of cough, deminishing as each hour passes throughout the 
day. Stomach scabs are forming feathery bits of dead skin around scabs {looks a 
damn mess}.
OK, you'll hear no more of this now as it seems everything is firmly back on 
track, unless that Postherpatic Neuralgia pain decides to either set in or 
begin.  I hope I haven't missed anything out. It's a history record I can keep 
anyway to suggest EIS does have efficacy on Shingles, as for severity 
diagnosis, well the jury is still out on that one?  I still can't find an 
indictor of severity levels or time line for Mild, Moderate or Severe cases to 
go by?