I got muscle tested for it by a homeopath. He tested me because I told him
that when I am in an asthma "attack", I have an uncontrollable urge to
force all the air out of my lungs. Its really painful to do that, since I
end up coughing really bad after, but I could not control it and my body
takes over. He said that is a common symptom of lung parasites. I also feel
like my lungs are being "tickled" (not quite the right word to describe it,
but it will do) during an attack. It makes me want to cough and cough to
relieve the feeling.

After he tested me the last time I did a 30 day parasite cleanse, and those
symptoms went away. However, I am feeling symptoms again like before so I
had him test me again.

My regular doctor has been telling me for years that I am "Growing Out" of
my asthma. While having an attack I always have a high blood oxygen level
and blow a 400 on my peak flow meter. I never feel like I will pass out its
just reallllllly uncomfortable to physically breathe and I will wheeze
really loudly.

I am now going to another homeopath that told me the same thing (muscle
testing), however she said it could take up to a year to clear up all the
parasites. I am taking black walnut and clove tincture and I am supposed to
get an antidote for the lung parasites (have not done that yet). So now I
am trying to speed up the process by nebulizing with CS and Thevies oil. It
seems to help, but it could be just in my head. I was just wondering if
anyone has experienced something similar and used CS?

On Sun, Sep 15, 2013 at 11:10 PM, Jess <jessi...@optonline.net> wrote:

> how did you determine it is parasites? Jess****
> ** **
> *From:* Heather W [mailto:heatherwy...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Sunday, September 15, 2013 6:27 PM
> *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
> *Subject:* CS>Lung Parasites****
> ** **
> Anyone have any success treating lung parasites with CS? I have been
> nebulizing when I get a chest cold, but I just found out I have lung
> parasites and was wondering what schedule and dose would be needed. Any
> suggestions? Thanks in advance!****
> ** **
> I will also be starting on a regimen of Black Walnut and Clove. ****