GSE, knot grapefruit extract, but rather gymema sylvestre Extract, great
I take two grams twice a day thirty minutes before meals, 55 percent from david lubbock tx.

On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 9:55 AM, dAVId <> wrote:

> I have chronic leukemia, aka lymphoma, a compromised immune system and
> systemic candida.  I am take GSE which removes the biofilm protecting
> itself from medications, it removes the biofilm, and taking two teaspoons
> of store bought 500PPM CS.  I am pleased with my results, but some friends
> and relatives are concerned about negative affects of CS.
> I have been doing this protocol for a month, should I continue or should I
> fear turning grey?  david lubbock tx.
> On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 12:22 AM, Neville <> wrote:
>> Haven't got a website, but there are a few things on the Net one can
>> read.  It must be remembered though that care should be taken with the
>> interpretation of any reading material.
>> Vincent Goetsch has a downloadable piece of information titled -
>> "Colloidal Silver (An Analytical - Investigative Report and Theoretical
>> Overview) if you wish to read this.
>> Ronald J Gibbs - "Silver Colloids, Do They Work?".  Remember here that
>> this article is NOT about the so called Colloidal Silver, it's about the
>> Predominantly Ionic Silver solution, which is what can be made in your
>> kitchen.  He believed he was writing about 'Colloidal Silver' at the time
>> when in fact he was writing about an Ionic Silver Solution, so bare that in
>> mind if you read it as this specifically relates to what we make in our
>> home.
>> Not all writings are relevant to all things.  There is a difference
>> between what we produce in our homes using LVDC to what is purchased from
>> the shop, Re: Colloidal silver {of which most are not as they do not
>> satisfy accepted literature's definition of what constitutes a 'colloidal'
>> product} and the Predominantly Ionic Silver solution {the home kitchen
>> product}.
>> Accepted and popular literature states that a colloidal substance should
>> contain *over* 50% of the solute in particulate form in the solvent, an
>> Ionic substance contains less than 50% of the solute in particulate form
>> and over 50% in the *Ionic* form in the solvent.
>> Collect as much information as is possible, then weed out the wheat from
>> the chaff, the facts from the fiction, pick the bones fairly clean, then
>> after all that, you will still have to make some of your own determinations
>> or decisions on what information is worthy and what is not <g>.
>> N.
>> ------------------------------
>> Date: Sun, 1 Dec 2013 18:14:48 -0800
>> From:
>> To:
>> Subject: CS>Web site question
>> I am looking for a web site that I can give to friends who don't know
>> anything about EIS, to help properly educate them about it, when I give
>> them some EIS as a gift.  Does anyone have a suggestion?  This silver-list
>> would be too complicated for the "uninitiated"!  I was wanting to search
>> this list in case this topic had already been talked about in the archives,
>> but did not know what to search for.  If you have some search suggestions
>> for this topic, that would be helpful too.  FYI, I am pretty new to the
>> colloidal silver subject also, so you may need to spell things out pretty
>> clearly for me!!
>> Thanks,
>> Karis