I'm content whichever way the Boss goes, although for people like me who are 
not over endowed with tact and diplomacy and have a tendency to shoot straight 
and fire from the hip, an 'edit' facility may be useful <g>.  I'm here by 
privilege not entitlement, and I certainly would not look anywhere else for 
information and/or discussion regarding EIS/CS.  I may have my own views on 
certain things silver related and that would be the base line of my  
entitlement, I'm permitted to express my views and opinions freely here and am 
prepared to cop whatever flak comes my way for doing so.
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that this place for me is the ONLY 
place I would discuss EIS/CS in an open and honest manner, no pushing, no 
bullish_t, and no fear, I can make my own determinations on information 
available, besides which, no matter which rung I am located on the knowledge 
ladder I am tolerated with some courtesy by those more knowledgable for those 
aforesaid views and opinions I may have {well, I'd like to think so anyway as 
it's a big world out there and everyone has their own bit to say <g>}.