Hi Carol,
Have you tried using any vibrational technology for this. It is sort
of like Rife but not.
Some people I know over on the crock_lakhovsky@yahoogroups is using
one of these programs and getting a lot of weird but good results from
I think it's easy to join that group and I would recommend it to everyone.

If it's as deep as the bones than it's pretty serious.
I've been slowly dealing with something close to this for about 6 or 7
years now and it is slowly slowly getting better but I'm using a
combination of things along with some vitamins etc.

I take Vit D3 lately and it's helping to relieve the pain I get each
night in my left heel.
I also use Don Crofts zapper. Sort of like Dr.Hulga Clark's only a
different frequency I've been told.
Hot baths with Epson salts, sea salt and caster oil (on the head and
body before you go into the tub.
Soak for as long as you can with your head under the water.. hold your
nose and plunge.
That will get the lymphatics moving. You might get some little itchy
spots come up to the surface.
That's a good thing because you know they are draining.

If you can find some Lavender/Spike essential oils then rub some of
that on the sore areas and even into your ears.
 Do NOT put it up the nose but if you can tolerate a bit of a sting
then a little at the base of the nose or just inside where the lymphs
drain out will help a lot to get that healing into the deeper areas of
the head.
Have you tried a sinus rinse with the CS yet/ It might help to get the
healing effects deep in there. Put it into your ears too if you can.
The other thing that helped for a while was the carnivora in liquid form.
 It's hard to take and you have to follow the instructions closely and
also you have to go off it for a while between doses if it gets very
 They have capsules too which are easier to take on a long term basis.

Hope this helps.
Let us know if any of this works for you ?
Take care

On 3/12/14, finplan65 <finpla...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Carol-can you name the brand of Oil of Oregano you are using? Thanks
> On Tuesday, March 11, 2014 6:09 PM, Carol <ca...@angelfireaz.net> wrote:
> Thank  you for all your response.  I was worried I
> would turn blue at the rate I'm using the silver.  I'm using
> one to two cups a day.   I seem to have an infection in my glands
> or bones around my ears.  It all started
> about 4 years ago and I'm still fighting it.
> I've used the strongest, purest Oregano Oil I could find,
> Garlic, make tea out of Tumeric, Olive Leaf, and a bunch of other immune
> enhancing herbs and drink it daily.  Plus I've started taking Losol 2%
> Iodine, I'm up to 40 drops a day now.
> At first I purchased about 4 gallons of Colloidal Silver from
> a company and it seemed to do the trick, but
> after I went through it, the symptoms of swollen glands in jaw area and
> this weird itching in the back of
> my neck, and my back started again after about 6 months of being off the
> purchased Colloidal silver.
> It feels like it is inside the skin and if I didn't use Colloidal silver to
> relieve it, it starts to feel like pressure, some pain and itching gets
> bad.  There is absolutely no reason for my to itch as I don't have any skin
> issues.
> I'm wondering if it's Lymphoma, it's been too long to be an
> infection and all these products would surely
> have cured it by now.
> Anyhow, I was told by the company I purchased the Silver from
> that when making my homemade brew, it
> would be the same as buying it only it wouldn't be as strong, so just use
> more and cook it longer.
> But I'm wondering if making it homemade is not going to be
> good enough and will I have to go back to
> buying it commercial?
> I brew it usually 6 hours.  I'm on my second purchase of
> the Silver Rods and I bought the largest I could
> find in diameter.
> Is it possible to buy a silver dollar and use something like
> that?  I'm worried about the price of silver increasing
> to the point that silver will be impossible to purchase for this use
> someday.
> My brew  does not cause diarrhea, it actually constipates
> a bit which is a welcome relief for me as I don't have
> all of my colon.
> I am relieved that I can use more without fear of turning
> blue.  The silver has made my skin very firm and gives me incredible
> staying power or energy.  I am a night owl anyhow and don't sleep very much
> which is fine with me.
> I would still welcome any recommendations for a Silver Maker
> that makes a gallon at a time.  I'm worried that
> I am going to burn my unit out at the rate I am using it just for my
> husband and me (he's just got through non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in his
> throat)  and I want to start making more for my family.
> We got a bit of this latest cold virus that went around, but with the
> silver and Iodine, we basically had some sinus issues and that was
> it.   I've read where others had to go a couple rounds of antibiotics
> to overcome it.
> Thank you all again for your very helpful information.
> Carol

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