I fully agree with the idea you only want to use the purest silver you can get 
to make your own CS.  As far as nickel poisoning, you'd only get that if the 
jewelry or sterling silver had nickel content.  

I've never given much thought to the proposition that jewelry might contain 
some nickel.  Most of my experience has been with silver-plated musical 
instruments, which are usually brass, except for flutes which are usually 
nickel.  Nobody in their right mind would ever use a silver plated anything to 
make colloidal silver, and hopefully never use sterling either. 

The problem is that the results are too unpredictable... or perhaps predictable 
as I think they'd be singing the blues in short order.


 From: alchemysa <da...@alchemysa.com.au>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2014 9:37 AM
Subject: CS>Every kind of silver kills bacteria.

> From: Victor Cozzetto <victor.cozze...@gmail.com>
> Date: 10 August 2014 7:25:43 PM
> To: "silver-list@eskimo.com" <silver-list@eskimo.com>
> Subject: Re: CS>Every kind of silver kills bacteria.
> Whoa, I agree with your general gist that basically all silver is  
> good, and even think it agrees with my earlier post that 'nano' is  
> used mostly as marketing hype.  I agree with you on  1 & 2, but  
> your points 2 & 3 scare me a bit:
>  - Never use jewelry or sterling silver of any kind, as you could  
> end up with nickel poisoning. You always want the purest silver  
> available when making CS, to avoid any unwanted contaminants.

Agreed, but I was talking about 'effectiveness' not safety.

>  -  There is endless documentation that shows colloidal silver is  
> effective, as it was even used by the pharmaceutical companies a  
> hundred years ago. And there are thousands of years of history  
> showing silver being effective. In my opinion, mentioning  
> published, 'official' clinical trials or trying to differentiate CS  
> from nanosilver only adds confusion. (And as you said, CS has  
> nanosilver).

Sure there is endless documentation, just like there are endless  
websites claiming that CS is a miracle cure but, quite rightly, they  
are not worth a damn in medical eyes. They are not evidence. They are  
not based on clinical trials. They are not to be trusted, and  
ultimately thats why they are not accepted by the FDA. I wish there  
was 'proof' but there isn't.

Forget about 'thousands of years of use', about 'blue bloods', about  
'silver dollars in milk cans' and all that BS. The ONLY credible  
argument for taking CS is that the lab tests give it some scientific  
support, and thousands of anecdotes SUGGEST it might be effective. We  
have NOTHING more concrete than that.... yet.


> I was just worried that some people might get the wrong idea about  
> your comments. I agree with the intend of your message completely.
> Victor

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