Hi folks,

Shedding my relative obscurity of late, I'd just like to remind everyone
not to wander too far towards the political or partisan in our
discussions here on the main list.

I hope we can all agree that there's enough blame to go around for the
state of things, and a lot to be suspicious of as far as the way the US
has been led over the last few decades. I would expect similar
sentiments to a greater or lesser degree apply to other governments
whose citizens are also our fellow members. The conjoining of governance
with corporate interests is pretty much universal and deeply entrenched.

As far as ebola is concerned, all I can say is there isn't enough
*trustworty* information available to reach any definite conclusions as
to what's going on and how much of a threat it really is for each of us
and our families. All I think we can do is make reasonable and prudent
preparations to the extent we're able to, and hope for the best.

As far as our list's primary topic, colloidal silver and its relatives,
I think we should be prepared for at least a mildly increased number of
new people joining as things develop and folks explore their options. I
ask you to be particularly attentive during this time to make sure each
new person gets their questions addressed.

Finally, let's not spend a lot of energy being too wildly speculative as
to the potential conspiracies and agendas behind the scenes. It doesn't
matter as much why things are happening as determining the nature and
extent of the potential health threat and the best things we can do to
prepare or respond.

Partly this is for the sake of focus, and partly for the comfort of new
people who may not be as ready for or interested in "conspiracy
theories" as they are for practical information. The saner we can
appear, the less likely we are to scare folks off who've already been
scared into coming here in the first place. Let's welcome them and help
them learn.

As always, I depend on you to govern yourselves first and foremost. I
thank you all from the depths of my heart for doing this so well over so
many years, even during the times I've been largely absent.

Be well,

Mike D.
silver-list owner

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  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: <mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com>
List Owner: Mike Devour <mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com>