Alan... I read a last year I think it was, that Monsanto was going after
farmers and mom & pop businesses out west that helped farmers
save their seeds for planting from one year to the next.   Monsanto was
saying that farmers would have to buy new seed
for every planting.   The silver lining in all this is maybe it will force
farmers to stay away from Monsanto's GMO seeds.  Lola

"Nevertheless, if a farmer wants to recycle seeds from a previous crop and
plant the seeds in a new crop, a process known as "seed cleaning," he or
she can be sued by Monsanto for patent infringement. The corporation
insists that farmers purchase all new seeds for each crop, and, legally,
Monsanto is allowed to get away with this.

Furthermore, if you're a neighboring farmer and Monsanto seeds are
naturally blown or scattered onto your farm, Monsanto can sue you, too.
After all, you could be stealing their property. In this case, seeds.

The other big no-no is what's called "brown bagging" -- storing Monsanto
seeds and potentially re-selling them.

Monsanto admits to investigating around 500 farmers every year
<> for
these alleged violations and often employs nefarious tactics in the process
such as undercover surveillance, trespassing and intimidation. The Seed
Police, they're often called. Settlements, which are how these
investigations are usually resolved, range anywhere from tens of thousands
to millions of dollars, with the largest settlement amount topping $3

On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 9:08 PM, Joe Huard <> wrote:

> How about
> Joe invisible to list 7 times
> On 2014-12-04 8:37 PM, yousouf eydatoula wrote:
> "C'est la vie" seems to be our only answer when politicians, bankers,
> police screw us. Why don't we try to think of doing something about this
> instead of passively accepting whatever crap they throw at us. Let's pool
> our ideas together and come up with something.
>   On Thursday, December 4, 2014 7:57 PM, Phil Morrison
> <> <> wrote:
> Codex  Alimentarius is the sword waiting to fall on the CS community and,
> indeed, on supplement users world-wide.
> Big Pharma wants the NWO to reclassify all supplements as
> drugs, available by prescription only.
> Some EU countries have already signed up, including Germany, where Vitamin
> E typically sells for $200 per script.
> c'est la vie