The following is not directed at anyone in particular but more as an 
opportunity for venting...
I find it incredulous that here in Australia "they?" are diagnosing vitamin D 
deficiency every day of the week, in fact I find it utterly preposterous.  My 
locale gets around 364 days out of 365 sunlight and yet the quacks are 
diagnosing D deficiency...WHAT THE...???
How have we evolved as a species if all and sundry are D deficient, or has 
something happened that all of a sudden the majority of the people on this 
planet have somehow in more recent years become D deficient?  I think we as a 
species have been around for a while and have survived quite well, up to a few 
years ago.
Utterly ridiculous.
The food and produce we are forced to consume are nothing but an abomination, a 
poor substitute for real food and produce.  It's increasingly difficult to 
consume adequate natural vitamins and these "substandard" foods are leaching 
the vitamins we may get from our bodies.  Vitamin deficiency to me is a direct 
result of the substandard food and produce and processed muck we consume due to 
the interference by laboratory Frankensteins in the pursuit of playing someones 
"God", wealth, and the desire to make every man woman and child utterly 
dependant and reliant on the pharmacy for survival.
People should turn their TV's off, stop reading newspapers, stop searching for 
"studies?" on their computers and throw the radio out the window and be more 
responsible for themselves, rather than being led up the garden path to self 
destruction and oblivion with the bombardment on and in the body by chemically 
produced concoctions under the misconception they are for the betterment of 
their health.
There is not one organisation on this planet that is interested in the health 
of the people!
The more science is involved with food and produce production, coupled with the 
Supermarkets endless demands for profit, the more we will suffer in our health 
as a species.  One only has to look around to see where we are heading as a 
Either the quacks are perpetuating the greatest fraud known to mankind {outside 
of the banishment of the cure for cancers}, or we are slowly being poisoned 
with each and every passing day.  I'm going for the latter as the obvious major 
factor here.
If people are increasingly becoming vitamin deficient they need to be asking 
two questions - How and Why?  
Our natural resilience and immune systems which have stood us in good stead and 
seen us develop and prosper, over the odd year or three, are slowly being 
All the above is my opinion only, and I'm danged well sticking to it <g>.