I would like to thank, whom ever it was, for this discussion on a format change 
- it has brought out, how many of us, whether old or new to this link, just how 
much we all in our different ways appreciate Mike and what he has done for all 
of us over the years.
This is a place for sharing about Colloidal Silver in all it’s aspects and 
processes over the years.    I myself have only been here for twelve years 
going into my thirteenth so I am a middle child - in reality I am the eldest 
What I have gleaned from all those who contribute in any and all ways has been 
wonderful, there are times when I
wonder if the link has disappeared because I do not get postings, and then all 
of a sudden things light up again.   I am
sure if it were truly possible to check exactly why this happens we would get 
multiple reasons, such is the downside of
this technology.
Without the new ones who join,  we oldies can become stagnant and this link 
would have died many years ago, once a subject has been understood, at whatever 
level each one of us chooses for ourselves, then where else is there to go ?
Making colloidal silver is an art and comprises many different aspects of the 
art itself, so there are bound to be many
different opinions on the process - the “ego" trips us all up into becoming 
complicated which then can produce heated
arguments as we have all witnessed from time to time.
Personally I appreciate all who post and all who share no matter what and how, 
so I thank you all for being here
contributing in your own very special way to this forum.
Thanks Mike for being a true captain !!!!
Attitude is everything !!!
Sandra George
Colloidal Silver Products
Eye Drops & Topical Gel

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: <mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com>
List Owner: Mike Devour <mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com>