To whom it may be of interest:  We have, over the immediately-past
20 years,
conducted a consequential number of "research investigations"  involving
Royal Rife type plasma machines.
We have received many requests for information containing "the most
and effective......frequency identifiers------for a General list of
pathogenic afflictions".
      Although we ceased our direct investigations of this technology in
calendar 2005,
one of our principal investigators  commented that it seemed regrettable
that we had never
conducted an intense literature search for Accurate, Generalized,
frequency  charts-------identifying
the most reliable/effective frequencies for addressing a majority of the
"mainline" pathogenic
insults affecting present society.   Reviewing our data banks, recently,
it occurred to us that we had never answered (in a useful manner) the MANY
this information.  I wish to, although in belated fashion, address (at
least in a partial sense) our being remiss in having
been unable to properly address these many requests.  While time, and
circumstance mitigate against my offering
a "proofed" listing.......I have chosen (after several days comparative
investigation).......a list that appears to
offer a reasonably acceptable, general listing of a majority of the "core"
afflictions vulnerable to "Effectively Demonstrated "Rife-type technology,
        Be advised.....we are not familiar with the company posting
this---particular----list, and have no pecuniary or
other financial interest in their endeavors, whatsoever. They just seem to
offer one of the more easily-acceptable/
understandable frequency groupings.
       This, particular grouping of frequencies, is to us, representative
of the more "mainstream" efforts.....and should be
easily comprehended by the general public.    Constructing a Rife
Technology Plasma Generator  based upon DR.
Jim Bare's researches, is not a small investment........and that alone
recommends researchers obtain the most
effective technical foundation, possible. CURRENT PARTS COST...IN TODAY'S
                                                        Sincerely,  Brooks
Bradley.  Eric Harborne Research Foundation.
p.s.  A comment of possible interest:  We achieved SPLENDID EXPERIMENTAL
SUCCESSES during our Rife Technology investigations (Circa 1992 through
2005) for conditions varying from "tenacious parasites" to many of
the most THREATENING viral insults.