Hi Victor,

I always appreciate your views

I thought quantum entanglement had to do with particles. Are you sure you are not fudging a little here with the Einstein thing?

Maybe our thoughts are particles in our minds but I don't believe that they go out and affect people or things outside our minds. Anyhow I've lost enough of mine already.

Prayer can help I have no doubt but not unless the prayee Is aware of it same as voodoo.
Ones mind taking a suggestion and then doing it's own thing.
Doesn't always work even on 'believers' so it must not be a law of physics.


On 2/24/2015 8:22 PM, Victor Cozzetto wrote:
Hi Ron,

Not to open up yet another can of worms, but I guess you know that Einstein agreed with you...

And he was proven wrong. The concept of 'spooky action at a distance' is known as quantum entanglement, and it is well established.

Einstein's own experiments (EPR) proved it long ago, and countless others have confirmed it since in various ways.

More to your point, you can find medical trials showing the positive impact of prayer and meditation on healing - and I mean healing others - even in double blind tests.

But don't take my word for it. The information is out there.

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 25, 2015, at 9:11 AM, Ron <ron....@gmail.com <mailto:ron....@gmail.com>> wrote:

The mind is capable of controlling chem. and elect. flow in the body so how one thinks could cause affliction or healing. What one thinks can not affect outside the body unless it is put into words that cause another person's mind to produce chemicals. The latter is just my way of saying that I don't believe in hearsay & 'Mumbo Jumbo', uh whatever that is.


On 2/23/2015 8:18 PM, Victor Cozzetto wrote:
Hi Neville, Dave,

I would have to take issue with your statement that 'thought does not have anything to do with anything.' We are far past the 'voodoo' and 'magic' stigma at this point. Fields of science such as PNI (Psychoneuroimmunology) are well established on a firm bed of experimental results. Not to mention all the things happening in epigenetics. There is no question that our state of mind has a direct impact on our health.

We are more than mere machines. Food for thought: One of the most shocking displays of the power of the mind is found in those that suffer from split personality disorder. There are cases when one personality emerges, and instantly changes the eye color of the individual, causes scars to emerge on the body, and other radical physiological changes. And it all changes back when that persona changes.

A more romantic example is the link between two people in two different faraday cages. I'll save that for another time, if anyone is interested. Of course you can google such things.

I don't think you guys meant to sound so absolute, but I did not want to leave those comments hanging out there. And I thought this might be interesting to some people.


On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 8:29 AM, Neville <one.red...@hotmail.com <mailto:one.red...@hotmail.com>> wrote: Humans are the only animals that have the power to think and reason, animals/reptiles/insects etc etc just do what they do by instinct without thinking or reasoning anything. Animals are prone to cancer so it doesn't follow that thought has anything to do with anything, however, if it makes people feel better or more positive about things then that's fine, let's face it, people need 'something' to believe in, animals etc don't need to believe in anything, they just are.

Barry Lynes book "The Cancer Cure that Worked" explains the cancer virus and how it has the ability to morph into different shapes/forms. For decades the "experts?" considered only one form of cancer, {monomorhic}, back in the 30's Rife and I believe Kendall proved this is not so, cancer virus is pleomorphic {changes shape/form}, and this is probably why so many cancers are missed early, because they don't know what to look for, and because you can't tell todays "experts?" anything they are probably still stuck in their Prehistoric thinking and in complete denial.

It's a war out there today between those who truly understand research {they are pretty much an extinct species today} and those funded by a particular funding body who pay researchers to provide acceptable answers.

Independant thinkers, those who have not and will not be conditioned and institutionalised by the system are a dying breed and are becoming more and more ostracised and ridiculed by the general public. If one doesn't 'toe the establishment line' then one will be forced to toe the line by legislation/coercion/emotional blackmail/guilt etc.


Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2015 10:14:05 -0800
Subject: Re: CS>Cancer being a virus
From: ddarrin...@gmail.com <mailto:ddarrin...@gmail.com>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com <mailto:silver-list@eskimo.com>

There is a theory that Cancer is accomplished by cells that normally die when new replacements are formed, fail to do so, thereby a doubling of cells at a given location.
Called Apoptosis I believe or something like that.
Would explain why it occurs in animals and has nothing to do with thought.

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