Great question Dave. I have been wanting to ask that myself. I do use some CS 
for sprouting, but I am not confident yet.

I only use einkorn and spelt, and will probably try some rye this year. I 
started spraying a little CS after the first or second day. I soak first for 8 
- 12 hours in filtered water with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or lemon 
juice (per cup). No CS when soaking.

Sometimes I only sprout (because I want to soak the flour with other grains or 
flour in different recipes). And sometimes I do nothing because I am feeling 
lazy ;-)

In both cases I have only used a little CS sprayed on, or during a rinse. I am 
able to get them to sprout, but I don't go far, so I am not sure if the CS has 
retarded the process at all. I stop when I see a bud, but I think most people 
go further. 

I will test another cup of spelt this week and let you know. I'll be more 
aggressive with the CS and the sprouting. Although I don't see any reason to 
add CS during the first day, right?

Sent from my iPhone

> On Mar 4, 2015, at 12:31 PM, Dan Nave <> wrote:
> Has anyone used CS added to the water to prevent spoilage when sprouting 
> grains?  I used CS in the water when trying to root some plants that normally 
> root in water, but they never developed roots.  They apparently didn't 
> realize that they were cut, or needed some bacteria to start the process.

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