I have read the research abstract that this article refers to several times.   
The author's claim of a 4,250% increase in fetal death or stillbirth when going 
from a 1 vaccine year to a 2 vaccine year in NOT supported by the abstract.
The incidents DID rise though.  6.8 incidents per million pregnant women with a 
1 vaccine season gave way to     77.8 incidents per million in a 2 vaccine 
season.  The following season was 12.6 incidents per million.
Now, a 4,250% increase from either of the 1 vaccine seasons would have yielded 
either 289 incidents or 535 incidents.   In actuality, you have an increase of 
either 617% or 1,144% depending on which year you are comparing to the 2 
vaccine year.
There is such a huge difference in these two years, that it is hard to take it 
very seriously.  This is because it is not very consistent and it suggests 
other factors may have been present.
It would be helpful to see some statistics showing the number of fetal deaths 
and stillbirths for pregnant women who were not vaccinated for the flu.  It is 
reasonable to believe that this data is available, even though it hasn't been 
culled and reported.
Only then can this data be put in perspective.    Why?  Well, depends on how 
many fetal deaths and stillbirths afflict non-vaccinated pregnant women doesn't 
it?   I do not know what the numbers are, but what if the numbers are similar 
to the vaccinated numbers?  This, more than anything else, would suggest that 
it isn't the vaccines causing the trouble.  

What if the numbers are much lower?  Well then.... this would suggest that 
vaccines ARE indeed causing incidents.  But the real meat of the issue is 'How 
much of a difference are vaccines making?'   We do not know the answer to this 
question nor whether vaccines are causing more incidents or reducing total 
incidents.... not until we know the data on non-vaccinated pregnant women.  
THIS data would be fascinating and of true value.
I'm not making an argument either For nor Against vaccines.  We don't have 
enough data to do anything except for point out that Dave Mihalovic, ND, is not 
very good at math.

      From: Joe Huard <joe_hu...@hotmail.com>
 Sent: Friday, March 6, 2015 8:55 PM
 Subject: CS>colds and flu
Flu vaccines are useless.


-- Noam Chomsky said, “The general population doesn’t even know what’s 
happening, and it doesn’t even know that it doesn’t know.”

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