It didn't help my thyroid with what they were calling Hashimoto's at the time.PT
       From: RaVen <>
 To: "" <> 
 Sent: Friday, August 21, 2015 7:03 AM
 Subject: Re: CS>Thyroid Nodules
Hi Doug,Where does one find IV-Ozone expert locally?I'm very interested in 
trying this out if it'll help treat the Hashimoto's disease I'm suffering from. 

On Aug 17, 2015, at 10:51 AM, polo <> wrote:

I have been working with a hashimoto patient  and I might add a new perspective 
to this discussion, particularly since this is a silver list, interested in CS 
fighting infections:

My suspicions that thyroiditis was caused by an infection seems to be backed up 
by many online excerpts:
"In my clinical experience working with many Hashimoto’s patients I have found 
that the most common underlying cause of Hashimoto’s disease is a chronic 
stealth infection that has been overlooked by both conventional and alternative 
practitioners. One of the most common infection connections with Hashimoto’s 
disease is the Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV). EBV is actually a herpes virus that 
most people contract when they are young causing mononucleosis aka “The Kissing 
Disease” which results in swollen lymph nodes and fatigue. Normally, your body 
fights it off and your immune system controls it for life just like chicken pox 
for example. However, people with Hashimoto’s disease have been shown to have a 
genetic deficiency in the immune cells (CD8+) that control this virus. The 
virus then reactivates inside the thyroid gland inducing autoimmunity via 
molecular mimicry. As long as the EBV is active, the autoimmunity will persist. 
 I find a significant number of patients with Hashimoto’s disease have 
reactivated EBV which is identified through a simple blood test. I use the 
activity of the EBV as a guide to balancing the immune system and reducing the 
attack on the thyroid gland."

If hashimoto is indeed an inefection based malady, consider:

"One of the most common causes for decreased resting oxygen utilization is low 
thyroid function. When you treat low oxygen utilization with I.V. ozone therapy 
you improve thyroid function. Everyone with a thyroid condition should be 
getting I.V. ozone therapy. When your thyroid is working well you feel happier. 
 After one I.V. ozone with ozone inhalation treatment for a raging Epstein-Barr 
infection last Saturday the patient called me on Sunday to report that she is 
98% better. I told her that she needed to continue treatment and we'll recheck 
her chronic active infection titers after 10 treatments.  I don't just want to 
roll her disease back; I want to erradicate it."
