I agree, PT.  I have been using magnets since the nineties when using magnets 
for health was pretty newand radical.
I bought two books (written by doctors who were probably considered mavericks 
in their day), read themand bought some Tectonic magnets with a healthy respect 
for using only therapeutic magnets, not magsthat you yank off your fridge, as 
well as a caution for using only the negative side of the mags except inrare 
and specific instances. I grilled Peter pretty good before I bought his bio- 
magnets.  They have proven to be everything he said theywould be... very 
powerful for their size and his advice and input is priceless.  He generously 
gives of his time and expertise.  I resolved a long standing neck/spinal 
problem using his magnets, one I had had for some thirtyyears as the result of 
a bad auto accident.  It is a rare day that I am not wearing his magnets 
somewhere on my body.  Yes... the biomags are that good.Lola  
----- Original Message -----
From: PT Ferrance <ptf2...@bellsouth.net>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Thu, 27 Aug 2015 22:23:32 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>electromagnetic instruments

I don't need scientific "evidence" to tell me if something works or not. I live 
with pain and I use magnets... and they help more often than they don't.  I've 
been using them for 30+ years so I think I am long past placebo.
I have recently read some unkind words about Peter Kulish.  His magnets are a 
bit pricey but they come with a lifetime replacement warranty.  Their design is 
also extremely well thought out with indicators for polarity that can be 
discerned by both sight and touch.  Also, he is available to answer questions 
about treatment if people have any.

Do magnets work for everyone?  Of course not... but then I don't know anything 
that does!PT

From: John Popelish <jpopel...@gmail.com>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2015 10:08 PM
Subject: Re: CS>electromagnetic instruments

On 08/27/2015 09:25 PM, Steve Levine wrote:> 
Magnetic NORTH pole energy (Side of paddle labeled N) is used to:>>    
Inactivate bacteria, fungi and viruses *>    Reduce inflammation>    Increase 
cellular energy production>    Calm nerves>    Destroy cancer cells>    
Increase blood oxygen>    Slow down OVER-active organs>    Reduce pain>    
Reduce congestion>    Dissolve Fat>    Increase alkalinity>    Control 
bleedingHave double blind trials been done(where neither subject nor 
experimenterknows whether a subject has received a north pole,a south pole, or 
an inactive (placebo) device),for each of those effects,so that results could 
be tabulated,without human bias?Were these results publishedin a peer reviewed 
medical journal?If so, I would like to see that report.If not, we are back to 
religion(claims with no evidence).

-- Regards,John Popelish--The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing 
Colloidal Silver.  Rules and Instructions: 
discussions: <mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com>List Owner: Mike Devour 