>I am not very knowledgeable about DMSO, except that it makes tissue
permeable to >many other molecules (maybe ionic silver, not so sure about
colloidal silver >particles) and the body metabolizes DMSO into MSM. That
was how MSM was discovered.


My CS is ionic, that's kind of what gave me the idea about adding the DMSO.
I did not realize it was metabolized into MSM. Neato


>The lining of the bladder normally has a protective lining that protects
the living >cells from constant contact with urine, just as your stomach and

>intestines have to protect themselves from digestive enzymes and acid.


That lining is the problem. It has been damaged and is not healing. When
urine come in contact with the exposed bladder wall that is what causes the
severe pain she experiences. I should also state that in the two years we
have been dealing with this she has never one time tested positive for a UTI
and she has had three biopsies and been tested for cancer all three times
and no cancer has ever been found. These are the biggest reasons I believe
this can be healed with the right regimen. I am getting a lot of really good
feedback from this forum and I thank everyone. Please continue. All
information is good information to me.


>Try to explain how more often irrigations are helpful with healing as well
as fighting >infection. If she thinks this procedure is a pain, remind her
that it is a walk in the >park, compared to living without a bladder.


We have been talking about and she is starting to come around. I think when
she sees results she will be more responsive. Right now she feels like she
is the guinea pig for her crazy mad scientist husband. J


>I am not aware of any specific benefit from bentonite in this situation.
I'm a little >worried that it provides lots of surface to gather up all the
silver. And the bladder >is not really equipped to handle sediment settling
on its surface.

I had the same concerns and also didn't think about it absorbing the silver.
Maybe I will try that orally to try and ease the stress on her immune system
if I use it. I think I will do MSM first. I am going to buy some today so we
can get started with that.


From: silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2015 2:26 AM
To: silver-dig...@eskimo.com
Subject: silver-digest Digest V2015 #191