Thanks for this.  Gluten really wrecks my thyroid & I instantly feel horrible 
when ingested. So I got to be really careful.  Will write to them to double 

On Sep 16, 2015, at 3:26 AM, Victor Cozzetto <> wrote:

Correct. It shouldn't contain gluten. But you need to trust the vendor too. I 
recommend Pines, as they explicitly say that are gluten free, and you can see 
their explanation on their FAQ here:

Here is the text about gluten:

"I am allergic to wheat/gluten. Is it safe to eat PINES Wheat Grass?

We recommend you check with your doctor or allergist to be certain, but it is 
likely to be perfectly safe.

As you probably know, wheat allergies are usually a reaction to the gluten 
found in the wheat berry. PINES Wheat Grass is a vegetable, harvested before 
the wheat plant forms the grain (berry), and it is after during the transition 
from vegetable to grain that gluten begins to form.

We have done multiple tests on our whole leaf products and never had a 
detectable amount of gluten in our whole leaf wheat grass or barley grass. 

Pines is very careful to harvest our wheatgrass at the jointing stage and to 
harvest above the joint so that no gluten is in the product.  Further, we test 
each batch to make sure that the product can be considered gluten free.  Other 
companies harvest their products after the jointing stage which allows gluten 
to be in the finished product.  With Pines Wheat Grass, you can be assured our 
wheatgrass is being harvested at the correct time and that it has been tested 
to make sure we can say it is gluten free."

Hope that helps.

> On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 10:56 AM, PT Ferrance <> wrote:
> Wheatgrass is not supposed to contain gluten so you should be alright with it 
> but you might want to try a couple of shots from a health food store before 
> you invest in a container.
> PT
> From: ASL raVen <>
> To: Silver-List <> 
> Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2015 7:13 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>RE: silver-digest Digest V2015 #190
> Wheatgrass has gluten, right? I cannot eat gluten. 
> On Tue, Sep 1, 2015 at 8:50 PM, Victor Cozzetto <> 
> wrote:
> One superb source of vitamin A is wheatgrass. A lot of people grow it; 
> however, you can actually buy a superior powdered grass from Pines at 
> I explain my opinion about buying vs growing here on my blog.
> Victor
> On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 9:40 AM, ASL raVen <> wrote:
> Thanks, PT, for this fascinating information of how bladders can have chronic 
> bladder infections due to lack of Vitamin A. This all makes total sense --- 
> for years I've suffered annoying on and off bladder infections - especially 
> with no-no foods/drinks, stress, etc. I just found out this year I have 
> severe vitamin A deficiency. Bladder infection has been reduced dramatically 
> but I couldn't figure out why.  
> Thanks for demystifying this!
> Cheers, 
> RaVen
> -- 
> My Google Voice Text # is (720) 442-8725
> Quote: 
> There is no luck except where there is discipline.
> Irish proverb