Hi Jerry: 
Nice to hear from you. Agreed that a glass of water is the best way. Couple of 
things I tried are a bit like Buckley's cough syrup. They are hydrophobic or 
have very low solubilty apart from the taste/quantity hence the search for gel 

harsha godavari 
----- Original Message -----

From: "Jerry Durand" <jdur...@interstellar.com> 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Tuesday, November 3, 2015 3:41:28 PM 
Subject: Re: CS>Supplements 

Of course, most powders can just be mixed into a glass of water skipping the 
capsule and assembly process. That way you also know how much you're taking and 
can adjust. 

On 11/03/2015 07:29 AM, HARSHA GODAVARI wrote: 

Sometimes it is difficult to locate the prices of these items. I would 
appreciate quoting a ball park figure for the items mentioned be it a capsule 
machine or capsules. This greatly help new comers. Thanks for your 

----- Original Message -----

Jerry Durand, Durand Interstellar, Inc. www.interstellar.com tel: +1 408 
356-3886, USA toll free: 1 866 356-3886