Jean wrote: I had a cough that came on slowly over many months and finally
one day I

could not speak a sentence without coughing.  I¹d wake up in the middle of
the night coughing so it wasn¹t all about talking.


An Omron palm sized nebulizer was used with colloidal silver.  No help.


I went to the doctor who...gave me some trial packages of guinea pig stuff.
No help.


Jean wrote: All my family thought I had lung or throat cancer and I did too.
It was now up to me.


I nebulized saturated salt solution.  Hard on the nebulizer.  No help.


I nebulized baking soda.  No help.


Finally in desperation I nebulized 3% hydrogen peroxide straight and
promptly coughed until nearly passing out.  Obviously it was far too strong
and far too much.  I thought about it and then inhaled a shallow breath,
then another shallow breath etc.


Perhaps all of these things helped but it seems the 3% hydrogen peroxide did
the job. If I had it to do again, would use 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide
and dilute it down with distilled water.


This is the third time in two days I’ve heard of a really nasty “bug” that
didn’t respond to the usual arsenal of anti-microbials.


Someone else on another list went through even more natural remedies than
Jean here, including colloidal silver: echinacea, olive leaf extract, more.
Nothing helped.


Then they used oregano oil, rubbing it onto the chest (with a carrier oil)
and taking it internally. That did the trick.


I’m thinking that in lieu of hydrogen peroxide (which Jean used with
difficulty), ozone would work.


This morning, a friend of mine who’d been coughing and had horrible
respiratory issues, wrote that she was diagnosed with spiroplasma. Like
mycoplasmas, spiroplasmas don’t have cell walls. AND, apparently they can
infect humans, plants and animals (including insects). There are many
articles on PubMed: .


Here are some more (non-mainstream) articles about spiroplasmas. They are 


My friend told me to look up spiroplasma in relation to chemtrails, but I
couldn’t find any significant links. Perhaps someone here can.

