PT wrote: I found this website  that offers a device that will imprint CS
with frequencies   Does this sound
like a good idea or a waste of money?



Steve G wrote: This sounds like a bad idea to me.  Why?  Because I do NOT
believe that CS can be imprinted with frequencies.  For that matter, I don't
think any substance can be artificially imprinted with frequencies.


Also, it is totally unnecessary to have CS in strengths higher than 20ppm.  


Finally, the description is filled with some fear-mongering nonsense, such
as bragging about how their rods are 99.99% pure silver (which is what they
should be anyway).  Then they imply that other CS generator makers are
advocating the use of silver alloys.  Well, I've never run across a maker
that is open to impure silver rods in their product.  But it sounds like
this company is the only one you can trust... and that's what they want you
to think. The use of CS at varying strengths is great.  Colloidal silver is
effective even at extremely low concentrations.   Ramping it up to 50 ppm,
seems silly and not cost effective.



Very interesting question, about imprinting. 


I agree that any company that suggests through misinformation and fear that
their product is the ONLY one, is not to be trusted. However, this doesn't
mean that silver cannot be imprinted.


Lynne McTaggart's book THE FIELD explains all the science, history and
research about imprinting, so I won't repeat it here. Suffice it to say,
fluids can be imprinted-easily. So that aspect's real.


Moreover, there's one rife machine manufacturer, Pulsed Technologies, that
has invented a CS maker that you attach to their frequency generator. First
you make the CS, and then you imprint it with whatever frequencies you wish.
I tried it with a friend of mine who has MS. I sent her a bottle of
colloidal silver imprinted with frequencies for MS. She had been sedentary
prior to taking the solution. Two weeks later she was able to ride her bike.


There are lots of units on the market made specifically for imprinting. You
can do an internet search.




Nenah Sylver, PhD

author, The Rife Handbook

of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health

healing from cancer and other diseases 

with non-invasive, effective technology

suppressed by the medical cartel until recently



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