Greetings, everyone:

With our fearless leader MIA and no clear consensus of what the group wants to do, I'm going to bid you all a farewell! Over the years, this has been one of my favorite lists to be a part of.

I am going to be reviving my old silver yahoo list, only because there are still about 450 members. It's been quiet on that list for a long time, mainly because most of what needed to be said about silver has been said.

However, that is changing. While the Eskimo silver list has been pretty sleepy, researchers out there have continued to pioneer new methods. There is also quite a bit of new research in the nano particle world.

If anyone has an interest in more advanced topics and wishes to join, you would be welcome. On this list, however, topics off health and silver are not tolerated at all. A zero tolerance policy means I simply remove the member, rather than debate the matter! :)

This newly revised list will be great for people who:

...want to know how to make a product very similar to Mesosilver at home.

....want to know how to encapsulate silver ions for transport into the body.

....want to know how to make a 100+ PPM particulate silver colloid using the chemistry method.

....want to know how to make a 50 PPM electrically isolated ionic silver solution (the "glass ceiling" of 24-25 PPM of silver ions in solution has been broken. It turns out, that was a false glass ceiling).

...want to study the potential toxic effects of silver. My list has always looked at both sides of all of the story. A select few warned people that EIS CAN cause argyria, even as we were chastised for doing so. We really need to look at the cytotoxicity of silver colloids as more and more people on the "cutting edge" are creating higher and higher parts per million colloids.

I'm not yet ready to start publishing formulations and methods, but I'm getting closer! As always, the project is about a collaboration between like minded individuals, for the benefit of everyone.

I wish you well!


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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List Owner: Mike Devour <>