With no photos and no tests of what may or may not have been there, you will 
have no proof of anything.  You can't claim that silver cured a cancerous tumor 
since there is nothing proving a cancerous tumor existed.  Since all we'll have 
is your description of what you observed it just becomes another anecdotal 
It could be that your friend was a bit OCD about picking at things, and when 
you started with the silver and bandaid it kept him or her from making things 
But regardless, I am glad that they are on the road to recovery.   Reminds me 
of those dreams I  get occasionally in which I pick at my face or ear, and 
gradually pick away huge amounts of skin just to find nothing underneath.


    On Thursday, October 19, 2017, 9:16:35 PM EDT, Neville 
<one.red...@hotmail.com> wrote:  
I didn't want to speak of this just yet,  but I am mentioning it now anyway.  
The following is a personal observation.

A spot had been located on the top of a persons nose for many months, just half 
way down from the bridge where glasses sit on the nose.  After several months, 
and not knowing what it was, the person had been picking/scratching at it to 
get rid of it.  Eventually when it was brought to my attention it was a perfect 
'hole', about the size of a match head in size, or perhaps a little smaller, 
with a white spot in the centre 'deep' down in that hole, like a 'bump'.  The 
white spot I believe was cartilage.  I immediately shyte myself when I saw this.

For the last several weeks I have been dosing it with silver.  Continually 
wetting a bandaid over some time lapse.  The hole started to get larger 
initially, like 'elongating/spreading' and showing raw meat.  I thought we 
would be in serious trouble, but, after more time lapse, a scab has formed deep 
in the wound.  I think (believe) it was some sort of skin cancer or some form 
of melanoma.

My opinion (belief) is, the silver was chasing cancer cells in the meat tissue 
surrounding that hole over time.  After further time lapse a scab formed, and 
with no further raw meat evident or visible and/or exposed, and/or spreading.  
I am thinking 'cancer?' cells had been 'chased' in the flesh/meat by silver.

At the moment things are looking pretty good I have to say, but, I will see 
what happens over more time lapse.  Now I simply get this person to keep 
dropping silver onto that open air scab during the day while awake.  My 
assumption is, the silver will continue to regenerate the tissue below that 
scab.  I don't believe it was dermatitis, it was too deep into the flesh, and 
spreading, and I consider the 'white' bump deep into that hole was cartilage?

If this treatment proves successful, it will be undeniable personal proof of 
what Dr Robert O Becker had researched, silver will degenerate and regenerate 
flesh/tissue/meat from DNA stem cells at the wound site.  It's a pity I didn't 
take photos at the start, and the progression, also a pity I could not mention 
this to a Doctor, you can't discuss this with a Doc here.

If anyone has a considered opinion, I could be interested to hear it?  There is 
plenty of pictures on the Net showing skin cancer/s etc, but not exactly like 
this one of course, they are all different, and I'm no expert on skin cancers 
etc but I do think this was a form of skin cancer and not just simply 
dermatitis, dermatitis doesn't go that deep into meat/tissue, and spread by 
eating away flesh...Or does it?  If this actually works, this will not just be 
empty words, it will come from first hand experience.  I have to say though, 
it's looking better each day goes by now, but, we will see I guess?  I should 
know in a couple/several weeks or so I suppose?  Either way we'll find out if 
this worked or not in the fullness of time?
