great info
would take 1 of these 3 times a day work just as well?

thx again

    On Tuesday, January 30, 2018, 5:54:57 PM EST, Dan Nave 
<> wrote:  
 Borax is not laundry detergent.  It is often used as a laundry additive, 
meaning that you can use it along with your detergent to get your clothes 
cleaner.  This is because of the properties of borax.
20 Mule Team Borax, which probably says Natural Laundry Booster on the side 
(because that is what people usually use it for) is what you want.  (Do not use 
Boraxo, which has soap added.)  It is made up of boron, sodium, and water.  
Borax is about 11% boron by weight, so if you want 10mg boron, you would take 
approximately 100mg  of borax.  That is 1/10th of a gram.  Most boron 
supplements are 3 mg, which I think is too little.  Rex Newnham recommended 
10mg.  A lot of people like to wet the end of their little finger and dip it 
into the borax powder up to the first joint.  Whatever sticks is what they take 
(with water).    Like a pinch of salt.  Some are recommending up to 1/4 
teaspoon for specific therapy.  I wouldn't want to take that much.  
You can research boron and borax.  Borax is less toxic than salt, sodium 
Borax is used for arthritis and things like candida overgrowth.  See:
On Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 3:10 PM, RaVen Sequoia <> wrote:

Hi Dan, Do you mean that you can safely ingest Borax from the laundry detergent 
borax formula?
How much does an adult can ingest daily for and what is it good for exactly?
On Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 3:59 PM, Dan Nave <> wrote:

Borax is borax.  It should be sodium something-borate something-hydrate, 
meaning sodium, boron, and water molecules.  Just make sure there is nothing 
else added.20 Mule Team Borax is what I use.
On Sun, Jan 28, 2018 at 10:09 AM, Paul S <> wrote:

I would like to take borax and have bought 2 brands to try R4LONQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_ppFB Ab063GZS2 5921DN/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_roFB AbTC6FJG3

The ingredients seem to be a little different. Any help would be awesome 

Thanks a lot 


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