The product might be great; however, from all of my research, alkaline
water is insignificant; especially in this situation.
I have some videos that discuss which types of water are hype, and which
are actually beneficial:

Best Type of Water? <>

DDW Water vs Cancer <>

Structured water is great; however, again, in this situation I doubt that
it has any impact. I imagine that structuring your CS at home would be more
effective. Curious what others think.

Hope that helps.
Victor F. Cozzetto
Wise Traditions Nutritionist
U.S.: (516) 908-1039 <>
YouTube Channel <>

On Sun, Dec 8, 2019 at 4:04 AM nessie <> wrote:

> Alkaline Structured Silver.
> Is it legit?
> Anyone know anything about this new product?
> There is info here.....