Reid Harvey wrote: My doctor tells me I need tests of Echocardiogram and 
carotid dopplers and I'm supposing he'll prescribe some over-priced drugs.   
Can someone tell me what natural, alternative remedies there might be for a 
healthy heart? . . . Please let me know about natural remedies for heart 
health. I still have a huge amount of work to do.





Two natural substances occur to me immediately. The first is CoEnzyme Q10, a 
chief food for the heart. Its more absorbable form is Ubiquinol, which is the 
ultimate form of CoEnzyme Q10 after the body converts it. People over 40 have a 
more difficult time with this conversion, so Ubiquinol is what I would suggest.


Doctors Best is an excellent brand. You can get it at , which sells 
it for the best price that I've seen. You can also get the liposomal form of 
Ubiquinol (or CoEnzyme Q10). With any liposomal formula, the desired nutrient 
is encased in (healthy) lipids, which allow the nutrient to enter the cells and 
be utilized more efficiently.


The second substance that herbalists, naturopaths, and holistic doctors always 
suggest is Hawthorne Berry. It has some amazing healing properties. You can 
find it in many formulas, but it's optimally potent as a Gemmotherapy tincture. 
I describe what Gemmotherapy is (it's not gems/minerals, but budding plants) in 
a book review I did on Amazon about the topic. You can read about it here: 


A friend of mine was on three heart medications. Her blood pressure was sky 
high and I believe she had a heart murmur as well. I sent her two bottles of 
Hawthorne Berry in its Gemmotherapy form (ten bucks for 2 ounces, a bargain!) 
and in six weeks she went off two of her three meds. Her doctor couldn't 
believe it. Boiron is the brand for this tincture. You can find it on Amazon. I 
encourage you to get Speroni's book and find out about these incredible 
Gemmotherapy tinctures and what they can do. It has only been recently 
introduced into the US because until not too long ago, all the available 
literature had been in German and French. Sadly, not many naturopaths know 
about or recommend this tincture.  


By the way, congratulations on getting your books published.





Nenah Sylver, PhD


author, The Rife Handbook

of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health:

an integrated approach for cancer and other diseases 

NEW 5th Edition



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