Now I know why your posts always appear in the spam folder.

On Mon, Apr 6, 2020 at 5:21 PM Deborah Gerard <> wrote:

> LOL there have been no arrests and the only one Trump is calling for is
> Maduro's vile Trump can waltz in flat out steal their oil..Trump
> has not stopped Monsanto from poisoning the hell out of our food supply
> hasn't stopped can bet he will make everyone vaccinate for
> this so called virus..his EPA is polluting the living hell out of the air,
> water and land. Hillary was at his inauguration and he gets up and say...WE
> ARE BEST FRIENDS...hahahahahaa
> Amazes me the stupidity of people today buying the Q crap we are going
> down..Kissinger and Gates are calling for vaccines and a global government
> Trump will hand us over on a silver platter cause he works for them...Henry
> Kissinger & Bill Gates Call For Mass Vaccination & Global Governance
> <>
> Henry Kissinger & Bill Gates Call For Mass Vaccination & Global Governance
> Constitutional Nobody
> By Spiro Skouras We are in the middle of the worst global health pandemic
> of our lives according to the Media, t...
> <>
> On Sunday, April 5, 2020, 09:12:05 PM EDT, Joe Huard <
>> wrote:
> You have been had by the medical mafia that controls the media and the
> guvment. Trump is aware of this and just goes along, as the world awaits
> the arrest of the deep state. Then the real world will be revealed.
> Joe
> Sent from ProtonMail <>, encrypted email based in
> Switzerland.
> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
> On Sunday, April 5, 2020 8:52 PM, Deborah Gerard <>
> wrote:
> I have a question boys and girls..."IF" this so called virus is so
> contagious and deadly. Why in the Sam hell is Trump physically coming into
> the press room almost daily with people in it who have no masks who have
> been out in the world doing their thing going to stores blah blah
> blah...Pence is there...military is there docs are there...why are they not
> doing all this by video??? There is NO reason for these people to be
> exposing themselves IF this is real!!! I think we have been HAD.
> On Sunday, April 5, 2020, 11:15:30 AM EDT, Ron <> wrote:
> Somebody is pissing and we are all downwind.
> Do pay attention to his opening statement. I believe he is well researched.
> Fiddling The Figures - The Magic Trick - David Icke 'Virus' Update
> Ron
>  "I cannot fault your logic but I do question your basic premise."
> (Ron)