I have used a nebulizer to get silver down into my lungs. I don't know
about different types. I have COPD, asthma and allergies. The absolute best
treatment for that is a good cannabis oil, the one with THC in it. I've
been using it for 2-3 years now and I had to stop during the covid outbreak
because my roommate moved out and I was short on money. After a few weeks I
could not walk more than 10 feet without breathing heavy.  Soon as I got
more oil in I was much better within 3 days. I used to just eat it but I
had problems with paranoia so I started making suppositories by putting the
oil with some coconut oil in capsules and inserting them in my vagina.
Sorry if that's TMI but it's important. I take a tenth of a gram per day.
No high that way either. Look for organic oil made with safe solvents.
Might be called FECO or RSO.

I run COPD cannabis groups on Facebook and Mewe and spread what I know to


On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 6:36 PM Williams <gwms...@optonline.net> wrote:

> Can someone tell me if an ultrasonic nebulizer is the only or best way to
> inhale CS for COPD or Asthma?  Which one is best?
> The new Mesh nebulizers they say is a "metal alloy" is a secret code for
> aluminum?
> Gladys Williams