LOL...No, there is only one person who walked through the door, which someone 
left ajar, 0h, that's right, that would be YOU who is 'trying' to ruin the 
group...LOL.  It won't work though, we are smarter than that, see ya <kiss>.

Now, where were we people? <g>  Dang it, there are trolls everywhere nowadays.


From: Cyndiann Phillips <>
Sent: Monday, 29 June 2020 9:14 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: CS>Cell phone Covid trackers reportedly added to iphones

Throw your phone out and your computer too in case they track you. That should 
at least stop all the garbage being posted here. Nenah, please stop posting 
here. You are ruining a great group with your paranoia.

It's a notification system. not for tracking.