Thanks for your comments. I was not aware of that history. I rarely, if
ever post here, but i find the CS. Info of great interest,and my
involvement goes back to the days of BBS's so, quite a long time now. I may
have to leave again as my resources are quite limited, both physically
financially and timewise. Love & light to all.

On 29 June 2020 11:11:03 am "Nenah Sylver" <> wrote:
I do agree that there should be an "off topic" section for people who
aren't directly discussing colloidal silver. It's understandable that
during these recent months of extraordinary and unusual circumstances, some
of us would veer from a CS-only discussion. However, for those who signed
on to this egroup solely to discuss colloidal silver, I can understand
their frustration at not receiving posts that are relevant to them.

Mike Devour abandoned this group years ago, leaving it without a moderator.
After that--and this is from my memory of awhile back, so I might be
missing some details or mis-remembering--some members got in touch with him
and asked him to either return to moderate, or else give them control of
the group so they could moderate the group themselves. That request was not
met. (If anyone has something to add or correct, please do so.)

This leaves the group without moderation, and without a way to ban or
remove members.

So my question is, how do we fix this? Moving the group so it can be
moderated is very likely going to cost money. Are members willing to pay
for that privilege? If so, how much money? (This leads me to the question,
*who* is paying for the group now? Because is a server, and
servers cost money.)

If the majority of people don't want to donate funds, is there any way to
separate off-topic people from on-topic people, cyber-wise? Or must we
simply put "OT" in the subject line so people who don't want to see those
posts can simply delete them? Of course, the subject line itself generally
gives a clue, but I *can* understand someone not wanting to have their
Inbox cluttered with what they consider irrelevant information.

So . . . any suggestions (made in a civil tone)?

Nenah Sylver, PhD

author, The Rife Handbook
of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health:
an integrated approach for cancer and other diseases
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