Remember Bob Lee?  The chemist who was a reletavie of R.E. Lee.  He showed
that there is a very complex system in the blood that converts silver
chloride into metal and back again.  It is in the archives somewhere.

James Osbourne Holmes
a/k/a *Red Pill Media*
American State National

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On Fri, Sep 4, 2020 at 8:17 AM Ode Coyote <> wrote:

> Drinking ionic silver [EIS] INSTANTLY converts it to Silver Chloride the 
> *moment
> *it contacts stomach acid.
> Neutralizing stomach acid with baking soda water makes absorption and
> effectiveness AT LEAST 50 times better.[I've heard 1000X]
> The silver ions still turn into silver chloride in the blood stream, but
> it takes a bit of time...meanwhile... they are on a "shock and awe"  search
> and destroy mission and work VERY FAST.
> Silver Chloride will still kill germs etc, just not as good for
> "mopping up"
> Probiotics work in the gut. They might do better if they don't encounter
> strong acid on the way there....but once there they should replicate
> themselves and establish a colony?
> Ode
> On Fri, Sep 4, 2020 at 8:40 AM <> wrote:
>> Victor,
>> Do you know if HCL in the stomach is turning the EIS we take orally into
>> silver chloride and if so how much of the EIS are we actually absorbing?
>>  Is it better to keep the EIS in the mouth for a few minutes before
>> swallowi g?  Looking forward to your response.   Thanks.
>> Bob
>> Sent using myEarthLink
>> On Fri Sep 04 05:24:57 PDT 2020 Victor Cozzetto wrote:
>> Hi Reid,
>> It is no problem. The CS will be absorbed into your blood or
>> neutralized within 30 minutes. We don't really get any CS into the gut
>> unless we use special protocols, like mixing with aloe vera juice, using
>> baking soda first, etc. Your probiotic foods and supplements will be fine
>> if you keep them just 30 minutes apart.
>> Victor
>> *************************
>> Victor F. Cozzetto
>> Wise Traditions Nutritionist
>> U.S.: <5169081039>
>> (516) 908-1039 <5169081039>
>> <>
>> <> <>
>> YouTube Channel <>
>> *************************
>> On Thu, Sep 3, 2020 at 5:34 PM Reid Harvey < <>
>> <> <>
>> > wrote:
>>> Greetings All,
>>> I've started taking the EIS/CS twice daily because of course, swishing
>>> it around in the mouth prevents infection of the gums.  I could always spit
>>> the CS out afterwards but that seems like a waste.  So I swallow it on the
>>> theory that it boosts the immune system.  Am I mistaken?
>>> The reason I'm posting to the discussion is that I want to take
>>> probiotics, like the capsules of 60 billion.  My question is, if I take the
>>> probiotic 2 hours after swallowing the CS, am I killing the probiotics.  Or
>>> is there a better approach to doing both?