Is anyone still on this list trying to get information on how to make colloidal 
silver properly?  If so, you might try going too:


No politics, no conspiracies and nothing for sale.



From: Rick <> 
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2021 11:17 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Was the Whole Pandemic About the Vaccine? - LewRockwell


The point is, natural immunity is historically better than a man-made wanna-be. 
And if you've bothered to read the other info and not just believe the 
mainstream lies; 

1) getting the virus naturally has less than a 1% chance of killing you without 

2) if you've gotten the Experimental Vaxxine then your body is likely to 
forever be fighting itself. Let's hope you don't have any other health 
complications (comorbidities) when your T-Cells decide to wage an all-out war 
on what it thinks is an attack (the spike proteins you are now over-producing) 
thanks to your vaxx.

Thank you so much for volunteering yourself to be in the experiment. You are 
now on record in this, the largest experiment on mankind. Now we'll have 
resounding answers to our questions that they could not provide early on 
because there was no or little testing and little time to do so, because they 
wanted the experimental drugs made and administered "toot sweet". So we'll have 
those answers in the next 3-10 years. Unless of course, they insist on removing 
the mention of your yearly vaccination from your final outcomes. Which is what 
they are doing right now as the cases after the fact continue to rise.


On Thu, Jun 10, 2021 at 1:31 PM Cyndiann Phillips < 
<> > wrote:

There is no way to know if having covid gives you permanent immunity or not. 
Another website full of lies.


Written  by Mercola who lies to make himself rich so there's that. 


Lew Rockwell is a white supremacist and Trump supporter. Lovely company!


On Tue, Jun 8, 2021 at 9:52 PM Tipton Garland < 
<> > wrote:

Are you an American or a Democrat?  —-bumper sticker

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