Hi Jen,

I have clients that have successfully combated the same things, and you can
come to my group and see their stories and chat with them. I have lots of
guidance, free videos, courses, etc. CS is of course part of all my
approaches, and there are so many other great tools that can help you. The
links to my Facebook group, YouTube channel, and website are in my
signature block. The first thing I would suggest is to watch these 4 videos
on my channel:

   1.  Holistic Healing Quick Intro <https://youtu.be/16L4mS8q34o>.
   2. The Vitagenics Protocol <https://youtu.be/1x1ooGtzbbI>.
   3. The Context of Miracles <https://youtu.be/fPugefRB1bg>.
   4. Detoxing Heavy Metals <https://youtu.be/bc2qBQbNdP8>.

I have some gift certificates if you are interested in some of the
suggested items.

Or you can just go here to get a pretty crazy introduction price for one of
the items. I would suggest at least reading the product info there, and in
the other links that I have in my video descriptions.

I hope to hear from you.
Victor F. Cozzetto
Wise Traditions Nutritionist
U.S.: (516) 908-1039
www.Vitagenics.me <http://www.vitagenics.me/>
YouTube Channel <https://www.youtube.com/victorcozzetto/>
Vitagenics Facebook Group <https://www.facebook.com/groups/vitagenics>

On Fri, Jul 9, 2021 at 11:57 AM jenny goodhealth <
jenny_goodheal...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Have been fighting against Lyme, Bartonella, mycoplasma icognitious. &
> babesia among other opportunistic infections with ozone, herbs & Doug coil,
> etc.   Bartonella (causing dizziness, heart palpitations, etc.) mycoplasma
> icognitious (balancing, limb weakness & heaviness, MS like symptoms. etc.)
> have been growing very fast & I am killing them aggressively.  But feel
> very toxic (diarrhea & throwing up at times) from the die off & need to
> kill them faster than they grow.
> Please advise on how to detox & manage the die off so that I can function
> & recover.  Thanks a lot.
> Jen