All you are doing is PROVING that those who publish the truth are being

On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 6:26 PM Cyndiann Phillips <>

> When you post something you already know isn't true to people who believe
> you.
>   ISD’s investigation has identified a collection of 496 active and
> inactive domains which appear to be linked to NaturalNews and its founders.
> These are used to host violent and extremist material, as well as health
> disinformation and conspiracy theories: To our knowledge, this collection
> of domains has been registered as far back as 1996, with a peak in the
> volume of registrations occurring in 2015. This network appears to have
> been set up by four domain registrants with names matching those of
> NaturalNews’ online assets or associated corporate entities − Webseed,
> Healthranger, Truth Publishing International Ltd., and Truthpublish
> The investigations done on him and his website are almost endless!
> The Health Ranger (Mike Adams) and “Natural News” have joined other
> conspiracy theorists in attacking the land application of biosolids. Adams'
> websites (e.g. "" <>) are
> promoting a new movie, “Biosludged: The Greatest Environment Crime You’ve
> Never Known," which is due to be released online this year.  It almost
> seems like a spoof, something so ludicrous that it can be ignored.  But
> background on Mr. Adams and his many questionable commercial exploits
> reveals someone who unfortunately has considerable social media influence,
> has rankled many professional scientists, and disrupted important quality
> research programs.  It is a sign of the times that "fake news" is entering
> the fringe debates about biosolids recycling.
> One of the largest publishers of coronavirus disinformation on Facebook
> has been banned from the platform for using content farms from North
> Macedonia and the Philippines, Facebook said on Friday.
> The publisher, Natural News, was one of the most prolific pushers of the
> viral “Plandemic” conspiracy video, which falsely claimed that the
> coronavirus is part of an elaborate government plot to control the populace
> through vaccines, and erroneously claimed that wearing a mask increases the
> risk of catching the coronavirus. And then all you idiots fall for it and
> pass it around and take it as fact when it's not.