Stop passing on information that kills people! I'm not an "it".

I'm a trained herbalist that has helped many many people without using
prescriptions, just plants.

I don't approve of sending information that results in people getting hurt
or killed. Shame on the rest of you for not caring.

On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 10:56 AM James Osbourne Holmes <> wrote:

> Ignore it.  That is the only remedy.
> James 1.618
> James Osbourne Holmes
> a/k/a *Red Pill Media*
> On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 4:56 PM Rick <> wrote:
>> Folks, our lil Cyndi apparently is too damaged to learn. She can't stop
>> watching and listening to the very things which have pickled her brain.
>> She's our lil Chicken Little Cyndi. But we should still include her in our
>> prayers because we should wish no harm to those who simply can't help
>> themselves when it comes to something so glaringly obvious (now that we
>> know better).
>> She has all the information thanks in part to all of you that she needs
>> should she get Covid herself. But if she got the *shot* that she hasn't
>> mentioned, perhaps it will be painless for her. One can only hope for all
>> those who will be adversely affected.
>> Other than this, and we should be grateful there is only one...other than
>> this, I am very appreciative of all the rest of you who are sharing the
>> un-censored truths from the very people who it is obvious to have our best
>> interests (health & wellbeing) at heart, despite the threat of life and
>> their own independent practices and or peaceful retirements.
>> I pray for all of you should things continue down this negative path,
>> that we are affected the least and/or that we die peacefully as is our
>> life-long wish anyway. Hope to see you all in person someday in a new and
>> glorious place!
>> On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 11:56 AM Linda Ellis <> wrote:
>>> Speaking only for myself, I stopped unquestioningly believing the
>>> evening news back during the hearings for Clarence Thomas' nomination to
>>> the Supreme Court.  As it happened, I was working on several projects that
>>> kept me in my office at my computer, and listened to the entire hearing
>>> "live."  What I then heard on the evening news was most definitely NOT what
>>> I heard.  Ever since then (it actually may have been earlier - during the
>>> tobacco hearings, maybe, or the Bork hearings), the first question I ask
>>> when I hear something in a short soundbite on the evening news is, "is that
>>> true?"  How much I'm interested in the particular issue in question
>>> dictates how far I'll go in doing my own fact-checking.
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From: *"Cyndiann Phillips" <>
>>> *Date: *Wed, Jul 28, 2021 8:31 pm
>>> *To: *
>>> *Subject: *CS>Re: CS>Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and
>>> Deaths Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities
>>> blame the “Unvaccinated” - Vaccine Impact
>>> There are almost no deaths on the vaccinated, it's 99.5% the
>>> unvaccinated that die. Why don't you know that? It's been on the evening
>>> news all week.
>>> On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 3:19 PM T. J. Garland <>
>>> wrote:
>>> Read some.
>>> Cyindiann think are all liars?
>>> "Imagine a "vaccine" so safe you had to be threatened to get it, for a
>>> virus so deadly you had to be tested to know you have it".   Anon