Max wrote: There is no way to keep running away from disinfo agents, or 
sincerely deluded people.  They are everywhere, in every news, every 
institution, every public forum.  I dont see a big problem. One can either use 
them as a way to get the good info out there, or ignore them.  Im not offended 
when Cyndiann  posts.  There is a problem with the cancel culture.  There may 
always be someone who is saying something we dont agree with who might actually 
be right



Max, I completely agree with you that there is no way to "run away" from 
"disinfo agents, or sincerely deluded people."


For me, it's not a matter of being "offended" by such people. It has to do with 
what appears their intent to disrupt, and with obviously negative energy. 


In the case of this particular disinformation agent, no attempts were made to 
engage in civil discourse, or to seriously consider another's point of view. 
(Indeed, a different point of view was never even addressed.) It was just 
attacks and name calling. And others were responding in kind, so the bad vibes 
were escalated.


At such a point, I put up my boundaries and say "No more." This is a matter of 
boundaries, not "cancel culture."


This will be my last post. I am unsubscribing to this list.


I hope to see most of you on the new egroup.


Nenah Sylver, PhD

author, The Rife Handbook

of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health, 5th Edition <>