This is getting humorous, Cyndiann can't even read, I had covid, took Regeneron,which I highly suggest for everyone, and was back to my normal in 5 days, I would not take the so called vacine for all the money in the world-  I am 72 and fat, have a bad auto-immune system - yet in 5 days was back to walking 3 miles a day- Cyndiann is a Nenah, drug company plant, crazy woman, getting crazier by the day- lol   We can all laugh together at her

On 8/4/2021 1:22 PM, Cyndiann Phillips wrote:
It is not without harm but the vaccine is very much the right choice, it stops death. Look at what you are doing to your children!

On Wed, Aug 4, 2021 at 11:28 AM Rick <> wrote:
Whatever we believe about the so-called vaccine, it is enough to say that it is causing harm above all acceptable measures. Both the U.S. CDC maintained Vaers vaccine database and the U.K.'s EudraVigilance database show tens of thousands of harmful reactions including deaths in the otherwise completely healthy.

And another look of news snapshots from around the world makes me wonder if I wasn't a bit smarter...why haven't they put a stop to it by now?

On Tue, Aug 3, 2021 at 11:24 PM Max <> wrote:

There is some indication that reverse transcriptase may allow the vaccine to make more or less permanent changes to your genes, but it is not yet thought to occur widely, if at all.  Most of the action is a somewhat temporary hijacking of your ribosomes to create spike protein.  Your immune system will be killing those cells that do, including any in your heart, testes and brain.

I wouldnt say that permanent genetic modification is a convincing way to describe the action of the vaccine, in my humble opinion.  Ideally, we should say things that are backed up and convincing in a debate so that are a force to undermine the big pharma cartels and their global government operatives



On 8/3/2021 6:05 PM, Dave Darrin wrote:
If you haven't noticed the vaccine has a genetic changing component added to it which was also paid for by the afore mentioned individuals.

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