Researchers have found just 12 people are responsible for the bulk of the
misleading claims and outright lies about COVID-19 vaccines that
proliferate on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

"The 'Disinformation Dozen' produce 65% of the shares of anti-vaccine
misinformation on social media platforms," said Imran Ahmed, chief
executive officer of the Center for Countering Digital Hate, which

Now the vaccine rollout is reaching a critical stage in which most adults
who want the vaccine have gotten it, but many others are holding out, these
12 influential social media users stand to have an outsize impact on the

After this story published on Thursday, Facebook said it had taken down
more of the accounts run by these 12 individuals.

These figures are well-known to both researchers and the social networks.
They include anti-vaccine activists, alternative health entrepreneurs and
physicians. Some of them run multiple accounts across the different
platforms. They often promote "natural health." Some even sell supplements
and books

Many of the messages about the COVID-19 vaccines being widely spread online
mirror what's been said in the past about other vaccines by peddlers of health

"It's almost like conspiracy theory Mad Libs. They just inserted the new
claims," said John Gregory, deputy health editor at NewsGuard, which rates
the credibility of news sites and has done its own tracking of COVID-19 and
vaccine misinformation "superspreaders."

The claims from the "Disinformation Dozen" range from "denying that COVID
exists, claiming that false cures are in fact the way to solve COVID and
not vaccination, decrying vaccines and decrying doctors as being in some
way venal or motivated by other factors when they recommend vaccines,"
Ahmed said.

Many of the 12, he said, have been spreading scientifically disproven
medical claims and conspiracies for years.

Which provokes the question: Why have social media platforms only recently
begun cracking down on their falsehoods?

Both members of Congress and state attorneys general have urged Facebook
and Twitter to ban the "Disinformation Dozen."

"Getting Americans vaccinated is critical to putting this pandemic behind
us. Vaccine disinformation spread online has deadly consequences, which is
why I have called on social media platforms to take action against the
accounts propagating the majority of these lies," Sen. Amy Klobuchar,
D-Minn., told NPR.

*Social networks crack down on COVID-19 vaccine claims*

The companies have stopped short of taking all 12 figures offline entirely,
but they have stepped up their fight
They've labeled misleading posts. They've removed falsehoods. In some
cases, they've banned people who repeatedly share debunked claims.