Very good, I'll vote for you any day <g>.  This shyte definitely puts divisions 
between EVERYBODY, (which was the plan to begin with), and planting 'sleepers' 
everywhere.  A family member tried to argue with me regarding this rubbish, 
whoops, theres a division now.  I looked into this, from both sides, tried to 
sort out the facts from fiction, bucket loads of research, (as I did with EIS 
years ago), and I have to say, the fiction certainly outweighs the facts hands 
down.  The family member has only looked at one side before he made his 
decision, but I understood it was hard for him to be objective when the MSM is 
bombarding everyone, day in and day out relentlessly, the old WW11 Minister of 
Propaganda ploy, any wonder there are divisions, and that's because people 
don't THINK anymore, sadly.  He started to say something and I cut him off and 
asked "DO YOU HAVE AN OPINION​", hmmm, silence, so I dropped it, he was 
obviously parrating the MSM, what a dissapointment, nevermind.

I live by this, and always has - cogito, ergo sum.


From: Brenda Delozier <>
Sent: Wednesday, 11 August 2021 12:37 AM
To: <>

Thanks for the tip, Cyndi...since this is an alt-med email list, most if not 
all of the members here are very good at "investigation" of websites and 
information.  FYI - bitchute is a video platform, and many videos posted there 
are from content creators that have been censored by Youtube.  Censorship is 
generally seen by humanity as a bad thing.  What are they trying to hide?  In 
an open society, ALL information should be available for viewing, so that the 
consumer can use critical thinking and "investigation" to validate the content. 
 So instead of criticizing a certain platform, how about you embrace the 
diversity of viewpoints, sort through the info with your own critical thinking 
mind, and form your opinions and truth from that.  Casting stones at the 
"heretics" only ends with you getting stoned.  Your mind is like a only works when it is open.
You may choose to align with the official narrative (lies) of the MSM and .gov  
But please respect the fact that other people choose alternative voices and do 
like to use their cognitive abilities to sort out the facts from fiction. It's 
fun - you should try it sometime.
Have a nice day, where ever your mind may take you!


On Monday, August 9, 2021, 10:33:35 PM EDT, Cyndiann Phillips 
<> wrote:

Not if it comes from bitchute. Have none of you investigated where this website 
came from? Totally bogus, you guys just eat it up don't you?

On Mon, Aug 9, 2021 at 6:08 PM T. J. Garland 
<<>> wrote:

The microbe is nothing. The terrain is everything.
Louis Pasteur