
From: Cyndiann Phillips <>
Sent: Friday, 13 August 2021 8:48 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: CS>

I'm the one listening to science, doctors and real news. You all should try it.

What you are posting isn't about experts at all. Could you have it any more 

Stop killing your families with this crap.  internment camps? Really?

It would stop covid from making the rest of us sick and I could finally take 
off my mask. All you conspiracy nuts are why we still have to wear them.

On Wed, Aug 11, 2021 at 9:21 PM Rick 
<<>> wrote:
Well, likely a severe case of micro blood clots is in her future, especially if 
she continues dosing with additional boosters and yearly. It is only a matter 
of time and we won't be hearing from her anymore. Not that it makes me feel any 
better, but we have all tried without positive results. So if she is unwilling 
to read and listen and watch the experts herself and only wants to repeat the 
propaganda and smear campaigns, then what are we to do? It is all on her 
now...maybe she doesn't wish to live much longer? I guess we'll know when she 
stops commenting?

On Wed, Aug 11, 2021 at 4:45 AM pal joey 
<<>> wrote:
I think by now, all of us can see thats its pointless to try and school our 
resident brainwashed victim. No method of reaching a conclusion is going to be 
good enough.                            We're already hearing from the vax 
zombies, that a "wait and see",  "err on the side of caution", position is not 
going to be tolerated. If and when internment camps for the refusenics are 
employed, the vax zombies will cheer. This isn't speculation,  they already, 
actually think like that.