Here is a google translation of a swedish text I wrote on facebook. Perhaps
it can be useful for people on the silver-list.  Cyndiann is welcomed to
respond to my reasoning.

A majority of those receiving covid-19 hospital care in Ireland in August
are fully vaccinated, reports The Irish Post [3]. Nearly half of those in
intensive care are also fully vaccinated [3]. So what do the Irish health
authorities say about this? Well that: “The vaccine would never be 100
percent effective against infection. Their major contribution is to prevent
serious illness. . the high number of fully vaccinated people in need of
hospital care is not surprising as a large proportion of the population is
vaccinated ”[3]. Similar reasoning has also been used in Sweden to explain
such statistics [1]. Let us examine whether this reasoning holds in the
case of Ireland. According to international statistics, the proportion
fully vaccinated in Ireland is 71.3% and the proportion who have received
at least one vaccine injection is 75.1% [2]. This means that 71.3% have
received full vaccination, and 3.8% have received a vaccination injection,
while 24.9% are completely unvaccinated. The expected proportion is thus
(rounded off) that 75% of those cared for in covid hospitals are fully or
partially vaccinated, and that 25% are unvaccinated (given that the vaccine
has no effect at all, neither positive nor negative). However, the reality
is that 54% of those admitted to covidinfection hospitals were fully
vaccinated, and 44% had received a vaccination injection, while the
remaining 2% had unknown vaccination status [3]. (The 2% can thus also be
fully vaccinated). This means that 98% (or perhaps 100%) of those
hospitalized are fully or partially vaccinated against the disease for
which they are hospitalized, while only 2% or 0% are hospitalized for the
same disease for which they are NOT vaccinated against. One can then draw a
simple conclusion (by calculating the odds ratio): being partially or fully
vaccinated * increases the risk * of becoming seriously ill with the
disease against which one is vaccinated by about ** 16 times **. Doesn't
that sound like a great vaccine? It is not possible to object to the above
reasoning that even if it does not help against infection, it does help
against "serious illness" because almost half of those who needed intensive
care were fully vaccinated [3]. Could there be something that explains this
without the vaccine appearing as something that increases the risk of
becoming seriously ill? It is reasonable that in the “vaccination
population” there is an over-representation of people who are in what
authorities call “risk groups”, ie those who have an underlying disease or
are of advanced age. It would increase the risk that you need to be cared
for in hospital if you become infected. Another explanation could be that
those who are not vaccinated have been more careful about exposing
themselves to the risk of becoming infected compared to those who have been
vaccinated precisely because they have not been vaccinated. The reader must
judge for himself or herself whether he or she believes that such
explanations can explain a difference of 16 times "in the wrong direction",
as there are, as far as I know, no available statistics that indicate how
large an overrepresentation of risk groups there is in the vaccination
population. The question is how reasonable such an explanation is, as more
than 70% of the population of Ireland are fully vaccinated. Personally, I
do not think it is reasonable for a vaccine that protects against a disease
to give rise to such statistics, even with such explanations. Maybe such
explanations can make the difference smaller, maybe the vaccinations "only"
increase the risk by five or ten times? But against the background there
are more than a hundred studies (!) [4] that show that the covid vaccine
not only has several serious health risks, and lowers the natural immune
system, and increases the amount of virus and increases the virus' mutation
risk, the statistics from Ireland are just another nail in the coffin. the
coffin for vaccination. Sources: [1] (
[2] [3]

Den mån 20 sep. 2021 kl 18:22 skrev Cyndiann Phillips <>:

> A lot of kids don't like being strapped into a car seat either. Should we
> stop that as well?
> On Mon, Sep 20, 2021 at 10:12 AM T. J. Garland <>
> wrote:
>> Is this what you want for children?
>> Have you abused your kids like this?
>> *Now we can use Ivermectin instead of regular flu shots. Anon*

André Juthe
Myrvägen 26
74732 Alunda