I just heard an interesting interview with author/political strategist/Middle 
Ease specialist Joel C. Rosenberg that fascinated me.  He has a new book out 
called "Enemies and Allies," and he talked about his ON-THE-RECORD 
conversations with Heads of State across the Middle East, as well as many 
officials in the Trump Administration, including Trump.  While I think this 
book (I've ordered it) focuses on the Middle East, I feel that I've learned a 
LOT about what else has happened re: Covid etal.  While Trump was way down on 
my list of the available Presidential candidates in 2016 (but about one step 
higher than HRC), over four years, I was pleasantly surprised at the campaign 
promises he kept. 


For my own study, I created MY OWN timeline of what was happening with the 
Wuhan Virus, and when.  Trump was actually further ahead of most of the world 
in response - you won't hear that from the MSM. 


As to the vaccine - in large part, he was listening to the health professionals 
around him, who convinced him of the need to develop these vaccines in "warp 
speed."  You may remember that he, himself, chose to take Hydroxychloroquine 
and Zpac in the early days - when the "health professionals" were dismissing 
them.  I can't verify, but I've seen reports that he took Ivermectin at Walter 
Reed - also dismissed by the "health professionals."   


But there was the legal paperwork going on.  As I understand it, there are 
legal clauses which state that the "emergency use authorization" for theses 
vaccines become IRRELEVANT and ILLEGAL if it turns out there's a treatment 
available for the virus, that works!  Back to my timeline.  As I understand it, 
the "green light" to work on the vaccines were started BEFORE evidence came out 
that things like HCQ and Ivermectin (and now N-Acetylcysteine) showed promise.  


If those cheap drugs work, that basically negates the whole purpose for the 
"Emergency Use Authorization" for this "warp speed" vaccine development that 
the Trump Administration had authorized.  It makes all that vaccine work 


Now you have a good idea of why I have such suspicion about the goals of the 
modern Western Medical world.   





 From: "pal joey" <ajr...@gmail.com> 

Date: Sun, Sep 26, 2021 5:15 am 

To: silver-list@eskimo.com 

Subject: CS> 

 Yes, I agree, Trump , for what ever reason; stupidity,  greed, whatever, has 
sold us out. I consider him a problem now, same as the rest. If he would admit 
that he screwed up, I'd think differently,  but he's doubling down.  But that 
doesn't negate the early animosity of the Democrat base. They seemed to hate 
him for all the wrong reasons , and now they participate in this horror show, 
even with him as ringleader.  Its like an episode out of the Outer Limits.      
        I observed how he was set up by Fauci and Birx at that conference,  Re: 
the use of MMS,  where they gave him just enough info to hang himself by saying 