Read that and wake  the fuck up.

You are dying while these corporations are raking in money.

And they know they are killing you!

On Mon, Oct 4, 2021 at 1:30 AM Rick <> wrote:

> Pal Joey,
> And now they are coming out with yet another new drug that mimics
> Ivermectin but costs much more money. Laughing!
> Of course, this is also a reason why Ivermectin was banned for many, so
> that they could bring out a near copy and make far more money with the new
> and near-identical twin!
> Get your Ivermectin from AFLD or one of the other groups of doctors on the
> right side of history. Or get your immune system back into shape by
> oxidizing those pathogens giving it breathing room to do its best again.
> Covid, these shots, and more are now starting to fall apart. More and more
> are starting to see past the censorship walls. Keep it up, people!
> On Sun, Oct 3, 2021 at 7:49 AM pal joey <> wrote:
>> Stop calling it a "vaccine"  and supporting creepy censorship to hide the
>> injuries and deaths,  and going along with FDA SUPPRESSION of true,
>> effective, life saving protocols.