Max you are amazing!  Thank you so much for taking this all on.  I so look 
forward to your essays!

From: "Max" <>
Date: Mon, Oct 4, 2021 6:23 pm
Subject: Re: CS>3 stage disease
 From Cyndianns excellent link

"As there is growing evidence that the manifestations evident during
the early inflammatory phase are driven by host immune responses
rather than ongoing viral replication or viral virulence factors,
there is support for trials and re-search exploring the role
of different immunomodulatory therapies at this stage. "

With this link Cyndiann is at once undermining the vaccine push and
vindicating her injunction that we shouldnt call the vaccine a therapy.
The cause of the severe or dangerous phase of covid is not caused by the
virus or viral virulence factors, nor is it caused by a lack of
antibodies, as made clear in her referenced paper. What is needed are
immunomodulatory therapies. The vaccine is not a therapy here and is
not permitted in patients at this stage. Immunomodulatory therapy
includes sunshine, walking if possible, a good clean diet or fasting,
budesonide and ivermectin, herbs like licorice and maybe antihistamines.

As Cyndiann has pointed out, ivermectin is being actively suppressed, a
criminal action just to boost sales of the injections. She also
pointed out that the entire expenditure of the U.S. population on doctor
prescriptions for ivermectin, which are not needed, and overpriced
versions of the drug is half of what one man, bill Gates made during the
pandemic. The CEO of Pfizer could have bought everyone ivermectin on
his vax profits. Trump could have taking 1/1000 of his warp speed
program and gotten ivermectin for everybody. The failure of the
vaccine is illustrated by Israel which has cancelled the vax passport
unless you have booster shots, while the epidemic ebs and surges
regardless of vaccine status.

Exposing these uber criminal acts is easier when we work together like
this. Thanks Cyndiann!

Kind regards

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