It was only a pandemic to raise fear so people would volanteer for what it
actually was--GENOCIDE

On Wed, Oct 6, 2021 at 2:11 PM Max <> wrote:

> There was a pandemic
> It was a pandemic of the sick and elderly.  Key data is the excess
> mortality and the clinical experience.   Excess mortality clearly shows a
> pandemic which spread around the world.  Excess mortality is rather small,
> so its not a hugely dangerous pandemic. In several countries there has been
> no excess death.  Much of the death was falsely attributed to covid.
> According to John Ioannidis who did extensive work on this, covid was
> undercounted in some countries like Africa and overcounted in many western
> countries.  There is evidence of mass malpractice, the over dosing of
> certain drugs, miss-use of ventilator protocol and a big problem in the
> handling of covid in care facilities.
> Its fair to say the virus, whatever name you want to give it, does not
> kill, its not a killer virus.  This view is highly supported by  the paper
> discussing the disease phases, which I discussed previously, and which was
> provided by Cyndiann.   By now, everyone should know that the virus or set
> of circumstances leading to death  is a trigger, like a fuse on a bomb, the
> bomb being hyperinflammation caused by the bodies immune system. But there
> seem to be features of the viral trigger which can lead to this
> dysregulated immune response in an unusually aggressive way.  This may be
> related in part to features of the spike protein, which may cause similar
> problems by the injections.  Blood clotting, immune suppression,
> autoimmunity and  more.  Covid is in fact quite dangerous for the elderly
> and unwell.  Likewise, the injection is very dangerous, having killed
> approximately 150,000 in the U.S. so far.
> Clinically doctors around the world reported a unique feature of covid
> which is extreme hypoxia, even among the still ambulatory.  The time
> sequence of covid is unique, with an often precipitous decline after the
> virus has been well defeated.  There is unusual loss of smell, which I
> believe was also a feature of sars cov 1.  There is thrombosis. The disease
> is treatable with Ivermectin and other immune modulators and
> anticoagulants.  If there were no disease, why would it be treatable?  Why
> would there be efficacy of certain protocols?  Why would there be unique
> disease symptoms?   Why would Michael Levitt be able to devote a year and a
> half showing the outbreaks follow a pure mathematical curve, (with no
> evidence of influence by interventions, masks etc) if there are no
> outbreaks?
> Now there is growing evidence that the later pandemic waves are caused or
> exacerbated by the vaccine. See Joel Smalley.   To deny covid is to deny
> vaccine harm, both stemming from the spike protein.
> People seem driven by emotion and have shelved discrimination.  Emotional
> bias reigns supreme, suppressing rational thought.  The cognitive
> dissonance must be extraordinary.
> On 10/6/2021 9:23 AM, Elizabeth Williams wrote:
> agreed, if this was a pandemic there would be dead people laying on the
> streets and they wouldnt be firing medical workers.
> ------------------------------
> *From:* hanan bissar <> <>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, October 6, 2021 11:21 AM
> *To:* <>
> <>
> *Subject:* Re: CS>
> There's no fkn pandemic!