Peter McCullough is not a real doctor?  Robert Malone not a real doctor?  Heiko Schoening  and man more are real doctors.   There are in fact various groups of real doctors, with  numbers in the hundreds to tens of thousands that are raising the alarm about this big pharma   coup.    What is the point in trying to deny such an easily checked reality?

Cyndann usually plays the guilt or stupidity and smear card. When boatloads of data are offered, she isnt able to respond, except with more empty smear campaigns.  I would like to know Cyndiann, what exactly would   change your mind?  Some number of vaxx deaths? Police shooting citizens?  Expert doctors telling you the vax has failed?   Your tenth booster shot?  You sell silver products, and many of the people you think are telling the truth about covid say you are pushing bullshit cures.   What criteria do you use when opening or closing your mind to information?

On 10/20/2021 3:33 PM, Cyndiann Phillips wrote:
I do believe the doctors and scientists, the real ones dummy. The ones not pushing bullshit cures and lies.