I missed the email with the link, could someone send it again?

deat...@aol.com wrote:

> Man  . . that link was some heavy duty stuff - great article - I have been
> onto the Hopi Indian, Mayan, Lost Mu, Lost Atlantis stuff for years - I have
> got some extinct books on the subject ..  .  pardon the pun, but they were
> light years ahead of us.
> not here on the list, but thanks for that link.
> jeannine
> --
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June Narber Harrison
June's Natural Healing Path

Mailing Address:
PMB 193,
6325-9 Falls of Neuse Road
Raleigh, NC 27615

(919) 839-6930 voice mail
(authored by June Narber Harrison, unless otherwise noted)

Before you call a woman a feminist, maybe you should look in
the mirror and ask yourself if you are a sexist. Words may
appear to fit, but look twice before you label people, because as you
label people, you are really labeling yourself.
(Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks)

What does it say about the individual who can always try to
control others, yet cannot seem to manage or to make their own life better?

Health is not just about being disease free; it is about having a peaceful inner

mind and a calm-quiet countenance that is with you all day long. Take time to
breathe properly, sit up straight, stretch out every day to balance the body's

Great dancers are not great because of their technique, they are
great because of their passion-Martha Graham

Genesis clearly tells us we are to be stewards of the Earth.
Does that not technically make us biblical environmentalists?
If so, we should be working to protect wildlife and natural lands
from pollution, and over-development.

Be the change you want to see in the world.-Ghandi

Reality is not always what is perceived by the senses, it is what
is perceived by the heart.

I am not religious...I am spiritual. I bow down to no human created
religion. I follow only the invisible God, known as the GREAT CREATOR.
So, what are you?

STAND UP FOR YOURSELF. Do not allow anyone to live your life for you.
Follow your heart, listen to you mind and reason, and ask God to lead you
in your path. JNH

Husbands, have you told your wife today how beautiful she is to you?
When was the last time you brought your wife home roses?
Wives, have you told your husband how much you love him today?
When was the last time you did that special something for him?
Singles, when was the last time you told your best friend how much they mean to

Add COLOR to your life, stop living like a blotch of gray on white paper!